Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning Service in Winnipeg

A Winnipeg based, family-owned & operated business.

$149 Combustion Analysis

The ULTIMATE diagnostic tool to determine the overall SAFETY and EFFICIENCY of your furnace

What can a furnace efficiency rating tell you?

The key benefit of the analysis is that it identifies issues that cannot be found by a visual inspection alone. No other test can truly verify the SAFETY and EFFICIENCY. Troubleshooting is another key point as it helps us verify operation prior to changing expensive parts. Also, some manufactures require a combustion analysis prior to processing warranty claims.

Efficiently-run furnaces will have a better chance to operate effectively throughout the cold winter. Moreover, high efficiency furnaces use less fuel or energy to continue running.

Got an old furnace? Need to know if it’s working efficiently? We can help.

One essential diagnostic tool we rely on for determining the health of your furnace is the combustion analyzer. It’s a tool that analyzes the output of your furnace and prints off a handy report.

Call (204) 256-1101 to schedule an appointment
or fill out the form below